Tip Line

You Can Help

To submit anonymous tips to our office, please call 330.420.1050. Please note that this is NOT an emergency line. Callers needing to report a life-threatening emergency should dial 911.

The Columbiana County Prosecutor’s Office, in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies, aggressively investigates citizen tips for drug and/or other criminal activity in our county. Our citizens often provide pertinent information that leads to solving crimes. Although we prefer to speak with you directly about your concerns, you may leave an anonymous crime tip on a voicemail line.

Please leave a detailed description of the activity and other important information. Please give as much detail as possible. This may include:

Names and addresses of the individuals involved
Cellular phone numbers
The times the activities occur
If you do not want to remain anonymous and want to speak to an investigator in the Prosecutor’s Office, please leave your name and phone number on the voicemail.

False Information

Please be aware that in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 2921.13, falsification of information and giving false information to incriminate another, are first degree misdemeanors.